Wednesday, 23 November 2016

LO4: BARB Analysis

ITV (7 - 13 November 2016)

ITV consistently had soaps as the most popular programming, with 8 of the top 10 most popular programmes being soap operas. This indicates that the target audience, those who watch soaps, are most likely in the C1, C2 and D rankings of the ABC1 system, because this is the demographic most likely to watch this typeof programme. As ITV is a commercial TV channel, this makes sense, as in order to make the most profit they would have to appeal to the majority of the population not a niche audience, which is this demographic. The other most popular programmes on ITV were reality shows, such as I'm a Celebrity and the X Factor, which also typically has the C1, C2 and D audience, which supports my point. As the times for the most popular programmes were after working hours, this also supports my point, as the targeted audience would usually be working during the day and so wouldn't be able to watch day time programming.

Programmes such as I'm a Celebrity are 'water cooler' programmes, shows that people get drawn to but don't have much substance.

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