Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Inception - BBFC Rating


Inception had a rating of a 12A from the BBFC, owing to the fact that it contains frequent use of moderate violence, moderate language and brief themes of suicide.
Extended fight scenes, such as the quintessential corridor fight scene, are fairly frequent in the film, with mildly graphic punches being shown that could be stressful for a younger audience, although little blood or gore was highlighted. This also applies to the gun battles that take place during the film – some blood and dead bodies are shown, although not to the extent that it could be disturbing for a younger audience. A scene where two people are killed by an explosion, which a protagonist did casually, could be seen as graphic, however, it was shown as vaguely comedic in the way the action was portrayed (quip after the killing, bodies not shown) which mitigated the violence. There is also the factor to consider that all the violence takes place in a dream state, with no violence taking part in real life, and as the audience is constantly reminded of this, this also serves to mitigate some of the damage, which supports the 12A age rating.
Moderate language is featured continuously and frequently throughout Inception, but was only used when there was violence or during tense scenes, which is appropriate as it is only used in context and for the sake of it. This also applies to the very limited use of strong language, as it was used in an appropriate context. In addition, there were no use of crude or otherwise offensive language in the film as well, which means resulted in not having a higher rating.

There was very little sexual content in Inception, even less than the 12A rating it was given allowed. Only scenes of kissing were shown throughout the film, with subtle insinuation implied in one scene. As a 12A allows brief nudity and mild sexual content, this is below the rating. And in addition, one of the few kissing scenes in the film is isn't romantic or sexual, as it was purely a device used to complete the mission. However, the quip made afterwards could be seen as making it sexual, although not to the extent to warrant a 12A rating.
Nudity was also not included in Inception - the only thing that could be considered close to nude would be an open-back dress, but this link is tenuous at best. No other nudity was included in the film, again, again not enough for a 12A rating.

Drug use is slightly insinuated in the film, with a mix of connotations. A group of elderly people are shown to be addicted to Inception, which involves a chemical component, because it lets them live in their dreams, an appealing thought for many in the audience. However, the protagonists' reactions to the discovery is negative, going against many audience's opinions, to show drug use un in a negative light, which is appropriate for a 12A.

In conclusion, Inception's violence and profanity are the main, and almost sole reasons for it's 12A rating, as other content is light or not included at all.

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